Adapting the Western region

Resolving the climate change issues – a strong and connected community is the key

The AdaptWest Climate Change Adaptation Plan sets clear priorities with carefully defined pathways, to guide the region as it adapts to the changing climate.

This challenges us all – residents, governments, industry, small business, peak bodies and community agencies – to work together and build a resilient region ready for whatever climate change brings


What are the regional priorities?

These include, but are not limited to the following;

  • increasing the understanding of risks associated with sea level rise, extreme heat and flooding;
  • relocate assets and infrastructure away from high risk areas;
  • build community connectedness to strengthen support networks;
  • embed climate considerations into asset management plans;
  • develop alternative approaches to funding adaptation;
  • use risk assessment approaches to prioritise adaptation responses;
  • increase urban greenness;
  • build community connectedness to strengthen support networks;
  • establish soft and hard infrastructure protection measures along the coast;
  • manage urban runoff to mitigate flood risk and improve water quality and reuse; and
  • plan and design climate resilient buildings, places and spaces.


More about the Western Region ...

Changing for Climate Change