Case Studies: people and projects taking action on climate change.

Learn more about how the Western Region is tackling climate change.

Check out the CoastAdapt Nature Based Case Study.



Water Sensitive SA is a capacity building program that provides stakeholders within the development and urban water management industries with the support they need to achieve the best water sensitive urban design outcomes. View the Case Studies from the Water Sensitive SA website.



The National Climate Change Adaptation Research Facility works to support decision makers throughout Australia as they prepare for and manage the risks of climate change and sea-level rise. They're responsible for genuinely useful research and tools. And they gave us an award back in 2014.



CoastAdapt is for anyone with an interest in Australia’s coast, the risks it faces from climate change and sea-level rise, and what can be done to respond to those risks. This site is a wealth of information that is relevant to people from all walks of life.

Bowden Park is an urban oasis designed for people, the park includes multiple trees and sustainable living features in the homes surrounding the park.

Sustainable House Day has helped promote Australia's leading green homes for over 18 years. All proceeds raised are donated directly to charities that are close to the original homeowners that are visited throughout the day.

Three notable inclusions are the Passive Resistance House in Semaphore Park, the Climate Ready House in Glanville and Oakden House in Oakden.


Passive Resistance House Interview


Climate Ready House Interview


Oakden House Interview



Changing for Climate Change