Changing for Climate Change
Winner, Local Government category, as part of the 2022 Resilient Australia Awards
AdaptNow - Adapt West Disaster Risk Reduction Grant funded project 2021
AdaptNow! - Building on the hypothetical event previously undertaken by Resilient South and Resilient East (called Hot, Hot, Hot), the AdaptNow event focused on the cascading impacts of heatwave, bushfire smoke, power outages and flood risk.
AdaptNow Event
The AdaptNow event was held on Wednesday 27th October 2021 at the beautiful Woodville Town Hall.
If you were not able to join us on the night we recorded the event and click here to watch the whole event.
When a chain of events occur, like weeks of extreme heat, with power failures and bushfire smoke impacting the metro area and storms that bring localised flooding, how would you and your community respond?
What would you do? How would you manage?
At these times services can be stretched and communities and individuals need to be more self-reliant.
How will you prepare? What steps can you take to help others?
The event was opened by Senior Kaurna Man, Mickey Kumatpi O'Brien to an audience of approx. 170 people both in the hall and on-line.
MC Rory McClaren (ABC) and a expert panel of service providers and community members explored a climate change hypothetical.
Our panellists included:
- Liz Connell. Deputy Chief Officer, South Australian State Emergency Service
- Nigel Cooper. Senior Manager – Programs, Asthma Australia
- Cristel Chambers. Community Development Officer, Red Cross
- Catherine McMahon. Hon Exec Officer of the Estuary Care Foundation.
- Abby Dickson. Director Corporate Services, City of Port Adelaide Enfield
- Selma Barlow, Economic Development Coordinator Urban Projects, City of Charles Sturt
- Craig Basford, Big Shed Brewing Concern. Co-Founder / Director of consumer business and marketing
On the night we premiered a short film developed from a series of workshops and briefings run in the lead-up to the event.
Learn how you can AdaptNow to a changing climate and create a more resilient community. Click here to watch the whole event.
AdaptNow Business Briefing
AdaptWest in conjunction with Western Business Leaders hosted a business breakfast briefing at Big Shed Brewing Concern on Old Port Road. Big thanks to our speakers who included Martin Haese (CEO Business SA / Chair Premiers Climate Change Council), Rob Alberton (ANZ ReCon & Sustainability Manager, PepsiCo), Leigh Gapp (Sustainability Manager, Adelaide Airport Limited) and Craig Basford (Director/Brewer, Big Shed).
It was clear from the awareness and interest in the room that climate change mitigation, adaptation and business continuity planning are challenges faced by all scales of businesses.
This project was funded under the Disaster Risk Reduction Grants Program by the South Australian State Government and the Australian Government
Views and findings associated with this initiative/project are expressed independently and do not necessarily represent the views of State and Commonwealth funding bodies.
Changing for Climate Change